brooke Tunget

role: 3rd grade teacher

Shirt size


Favorite College or Sports team/favorite sport(s)

Los Angeles Dodgers

Favorite Color

Glitter & Purple

Favorite Healthy Snack/salty snack

Skinny Pop Popcorn

favorite fruit

Berries & Mango

favorite candy or candy bar

None please! Dairy allergy

favorite gum flavor


favorite drink

Iced tea, Vitamin Water Zero

favorite starbucks drink

Refreshers, Chai Tea Latte w/ oat milk

now tell us what your real favorite drink is. Nothing is off limits ;)

I don’t drink ;)

favorite dessert/cookie

Vegan/Dairy free

favorite take out restaurant

MOD Pizza

favorite sit down restaurant

BJ’s or Red Robin

favorite ice cream shop & flavor

Non-dairy sorbet

favorite coffee shop

Missions Coffee in Auburn or Starbucks

favorite bookstore

None. I order online from Amazon

favorite teacher supply store

Walmart or Amazon

favorite place to shop

Ross TJ Maxx Marshalls, Target

favorite flower/plant

FAKE succulents. I kill live plants!

favorite scent


favorite nail salon

Lucky Nails in Auburn or Color Street

Any hobbies?

Reading, watching TV

Do you collect anything?


If you found a gift card for $5, where would you want it to be to?


If you found a gift card for $20, where would you want it to be to?


If you found a gift card for $100, where would you want it to be to?


Your top classroom supply wishes

Whiteboard markers, glue sticks, pencils
See Amazon Wishlist HERE