Ann Medina

role: special education K-5 learning center teacher

Shirt size


Favorite College or Sports team/favorite sport(s)

Chicago Bears, Chicago Cubs, Baseball Mom stuff

Favorite Color

Pink, gold, silver

Favorite Healthy Snack/salty snack

Kettle Corn

favorite fruit

Grapes, white peaches, strawberries

favorite candy or candy bar

M&M’s Almond

favorite gum flavor

Mint gum

favorite drink

Cherry Coke, sweet tea, Cherry 7-Up

favorite starbucks drink

Caramel Frappuccino

now tell us what your real favorite drink is. Nothing is off limits ;)

Coffee, soda, water

favorite dessert/cookie

Crumbl Cookies

favorite take out restaurant


favorite sit down restaurant

Red Robbin

favorite ice cream shop & flavor


favorite coffee shop

Starbucks and Dutch Bros

favorite bookstore


favorite teacher supply store

Lakeshore Learning

favorite place to shop

Marshall’s and Ross

favorite flower/plant

All flowers, love all the colors

favorite scent

apple, pear, floral scents

favorite nail salon

Any in Antelope… the one by Little Ceasars

Any hobbies?

Finding baseball mom stuff, baseball totes, baseball earrings

Do you collect anything?

Baseball mom stuff as both my boys play baseball

If you found a gift card for $5, where would you want it to be to?


If you found a gift card for $20, where would you want it to be to?

Red Robin

If you found a gift card for $100, where would you want it to be to?

Lakeshore Learning

Your top classroom supply wishes

Glue Sticks, dry erase markers, highlighters, colored ballpoint pens