Stephanie Henson

role: Special education k-5 learning center teacher

Shirt size


Favorite College or Sports team/favorite sport(s)

Baseball: Giants. Football: Steelers

Favorite Color

Purple and wine red

Favorite Healthy Snack/salty snack

Skinny Pop Salt only, pretzels, nuts, fruits and veggies

favorite fruit

Berries, Kiwi, oranges, apples, pineapple, all fruit really

favorite candy or candy bar

Dark Chocolate with caramel, Skor Bars

favorite gum flavor


favorite drink

Red Wine, La Croix, Sparkling Water, ice tea no sugar

favorite starbucks drink

Caramel Machiato, Java Chip Frappuccino, Mango Dragonfruit Refreshers

now tell us what your real favorite drink is. Nothing is off limits ;)

Dry red wines

favorite dessert/cookie

Hot fudge Sundae, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Peanut Butter Cookies

favorite take out restaurant

El Pollo Loco

favorite sit down restaurant

Olive Garden, Cheesecake Factory

favorite ice cream shop & flavor

Handles, Blueberry Cheesecake

favorite coffee shop


favorite bookstore

Thrift books online

favorite teacher supply store

Lakeshore Learning

favorite place to shop


favorite flower/plant

Lilys, roses

favorite scent


favorite nail salon

Do not have one

Any hobbies?

Swimming, Paddleboarding, hiking, camping, wine tasting

Do you collect anything?

Anything patriotic

If you found a gift card for $5, where would you want it to be to?


If you found a gift card for $20, where would you want it to be to?


If you found a gift card for $100, where would you want it to be to?

Best Buy

Your top classroom supply wishes

Colored pencils and pens