Sara Echeveria

Role: Kitchen helper

Shirt size

Usually medium

Favorite College or Sports team/favorite sport(s)

College: Nebraska Cornhuskies (football) Professional: Sac Kings, S.F. 49ers, S.F. Giants

Favorite Color


Favorite Healthy Snack/salty snack


favorite fruit

Seasonal- right now, strawberries

favorite candy or candy bar

Heath (toffee), See’s Dark Chocolate

favorite gum flavor

Cinnamon, spearmint, bubblegum

favorite drink

Lemonade or Smart Water

favorite starbucks drink

Tall hot decaf soy 1 pump mocha, no whip!

favorite dessert/cookie

Crumbl Cookie! ANY!

favorite take out restaurant

Panda Express

favorite sit down restaurant

Pete’s (Now called Big Al’s, I think)

favorite ice cream shop & flavor

Leatherby’s mint chocolate chip

favorite coffee shop


favorite bookstore

Barnes & Noble

favorite teacher supply store


favorite place to shop


favorite flower/plant

Roses, but I love sweet peas

favorite scent


favorite nail salon

Sassy Nails - Granite Bay

Any hobbies?

Gardening, flowers (not vegetables), needle pointing and embroidery

Do you collect anything?

Majolica & Joan Walsh Anglund Books

If you found a gift card for $5, where would you want it to be to?


If you found a gift card for $20, where would you want it to be to?


If you found a gift card for $100, where would you want it to be to?


Your top classroom supply wishes

Large vinyl gloves