Cyndi Rodriguez

role: 2nd grade teacher

Shirt size


Favorite College or Sports team/favorite sport(s)

49ers, SF Giants

Favorite Color


Favorite Healthy Snack/salty snack

Dry roasted peanuts

favorite fruit

Mandarins, strawberries

favorite candy or candy bar

Licorice, Starbursts

favorite gum flavor


favorite drink

Decaf Diet Coke

favorite starbucks drink

Decaf skinny vanilla latte

now tell us what your real favorite drink is. Nothing is off limits ;)

Kendall Jackson Chardonnay

favorite dessert/cookie

Snickerdoodle cookies, chocolate cake

favorite take out restaurant

Round Table, Panda Express

favorite sit down restaurant

Yard House, Outback Steakhouse

favorite ice cream shop & flavor

Baskin Robbins: Chocolate chip mint

favorite coffee shop


favorite bookstore


favorite teacher supply store

Amazon has the most supplies for class

favorite place to shop

Loft; Macy’s, REI

favorite flower/plant


favorite scent

Vanilla or lavender

favorite nail salon


Any hobbies?

Kayaking, hiking, camping

Do you collect anything?


If you found a gift card for $5, where would you want it to be to?


If you found a gift card for $20, where would you want it to be to?


If you found a gift card for $100, where would you want it to be to?

Amazon or Outback

Your top classroom supply wishes

Sadly, wet wipes, pencils, tissue paper