Antelope Meadows PTA 2024-2025 Board

Lynsie Bunton

My name is Lynsie Bunton and I am very excited to be your PTA President this year. This is my second year on the board, but I am an active volunteer at the school and in the Antelope community. I have a 1st grader at AMES and an 8th grader at ACMS. I initially joined PTA because I wanted to be part of making a great school experience for the kids, but being a part of the PTA showed me just how important our parents are to the success of our school. It is truly what separates us from some of our neighbor schools, and I want that experience for all our kids!

Alicia Brovald


Hi, I’m Alicia!  I have an 8th grader at ACMS and a 5th & 4th grader at AMES. I've been volunteering for many years and enjoy helping make our school have successful activities. I also work for AMES as a Campus Supervisor and value my time with all the kids. I joined the PTA because I wanted to help benefit my children’s school while making precious memories with them. It takes a village to make a difference so please consider joining our PTA. Cheers to a great school year!


Hi, I’m Michelle and this is my first year serving on the PTA Board.  I have a 3rd grader at AMES and a 2 year old at home. Although this is my first year on the board, I have been volunteering in class and for events since my son began school. Being on the board allows me an amazing opportunity to directly build a sense of community between parents like myself, our students and the teachers!  I love to see the things we can help facilitate and bring to life, from events to new enhancements and supplies at our school.


My name is Kylie Snyder. I have a 1st grader at AMES. I run my own preschool & daycare during the day. This is my second year on the PTA board.  I have always taken part in my older daughter’s school activities as well as her extracurricular activities outside of school when she attended Coyote Ridge. I loved how special it made her feel by me being a part of her day at school and how much fun I had helping the teachers. So hopefully now I can do the same for my other daughter’s school. That’s why I decided it was time to join the PTA board and start making some more amazing core memories for her in addition to helping our school and community.

VP Communications

Hi! My name is Raytese Reeves. I have a 5th grader at Antelope Meadows. This is my first year on the board and I am so excited to help! I love volunteering in the classroom, so if you see me on campus please say hello!


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